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Kashmir Minister’s Cavalcade ‘Pelted With Stones’

SAFAPORA: Police faced a tough time handling stone pelters in Safapora and Manasbal areas of north Kashmir who attacked the cavalcade of Higher Education Minister, Muhammad Akbar Lone.

A local news agency, CNS, reports that Lone was on a tour of his Sumbal constituency on Monday when his vehicles came under a shower of stones thrown by youth at different places like Kondabal, Safapora and Barkati Mohalla.

It is not clear why the youth led to stone pelting.

The agency writes that it was the timely intervention of police that saved the minister from the wrath of the stone-pelters. The police exercised restraint while dealing with the protestors, it said.

“They provided him (minister) cover and took him out of the troubled areas,” the agency reports, quoting an unnamed eyewitnesses.

However the police have dismissed the report as untrue.

“It is absolutely baseless. Youth did not attack the cavalcade of the Minister,” Station House Officer, Safapora, Manzoor Ahmed Mir said.

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