JAMMU, June 12: The Jammu and Kashmir department of prsions has plans of setting up ‘open’ jails which will help prisoners in getting re-integrated with the mainstream society before their release.
“If a prisoner is released from jail after a long duration, say for example after 20 years, he gets disconnected with the family and the society, so before he is released, there is need to reorient him with his friends and family,” Director General Prisons Naveen Agarwal was quoted by PTI as saying.
At many open jails in the rest of the country, prisoners get a chance to live with their families, step out for work and lead a life similar to that outside the bars. These jails are aimed at providing a conducive atmosphere for reinstating prisoners in the mainstream society so that they could make useful contributions.
“We are working on it, actually we have identified an area for this. It is a part of our efforts to provide correctional measures for prisoners,” Agarwal said.
Asked whether there are any legal issues involved in setting up the facility, he said, “There is a provision in law which permits it.”
However Agarwal said he was concerned about the implementation of the project.
“We are working on the modalities and after that the proposal will be submitted to the government,” he said. “If the idea is right, the government has always been very supportive. Money is never an issue.”