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Govt Subsidy Helps North Kashmir Farmers Buy Equipment

SRINAGAR: A subsidy of Rs 7.85 lakh has been provided to farmers in north Kashmir district of Bandipora to purchase Irrigation Pump sets and Power tillers by department of agriculture.

Officials said here today that the department of Agriculture in collaboration with Agro Industries Development Corporation organised at Kissan-cum-Machinery Mela at Bandipora.

The farmers on the occasion were apprised of the latest farm technologies by the departmental experts and the scientists of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bandipora.

The farmers were also facilitated to purchase agriculture machinery in order to boost the agriculture sector.

Stalls of agriculture seeds farm, machinery etc. were established in the Mela. The farmers on the occasion purchased 47 Irrigation Pump sets and 7 Power Tillers for which the Agriculture department provided Rs 7.85 lakh as subsidy to the farmers.

They said that 68 hectares of land was covered under Paddy Seed Village Programme besides 140 demonstration plots laid in the district this year. About 800 quintals of Paddy seed, 620 quintals of Potato seed, 85 quintals of Maize seed besides Vegetable seeds were also distributed among the farmers.

The department has a target to establish 73 Polygreen Houses on iron structure in the district and 100 poly houses on wooden structure in Gurez. The department has also set up 370 Bee colonies and 5 Mushroom Units in the district this fiscal.

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