SRINAGAR: Afzal Guru has been buried inside the premises of Tihar jail, where he was hanged Saturday morning.
His grave lies outside cell no 3 of the prison.
“We will follow the jail manual and act according to the law. Afzal Guru will be buried with full religious rites inside the jail,” Home Secretary R.K Singh had told reporters in New Delhi.
Before Guru, the JKLF leader Muhammad Maqbool Bhat was also buried in the same jail premises after hanging on 11 Feb, 1984.
Separatist groups have been demanding the return of his mortal remains for burial in Srinagar, where a grave has been reserved for him in the martyr’s graveyard at Eidgah.
The authorities have given no reason for not handing over his body to the family.
But observers say the authorities fear hundreds of thousands of people would visit his grave if he were to be buried anywhere in the valley.