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‘Simple Case of Suicide’, Says Hyd Police Chief on Kamran’s Death

SRINAGAR: Refuting allegations that Mudasir Kamran was arrested for taking part in protests against Afzal Guru’s hanging, Hyderabad Police Commissioner, Anurag Sharma Sunday said that it was simply a suicide case.

“Our patrolling party of course brought him to police station but he was not alone, the warden of the University and one more student was with him and we released both the students immediately,” Police Commissioner Hyderabad told Srinagar based news agency CNS on phone.

He added that reports mentioning that Mudasir was lodged in the police cell for a night are “baseless”.

Giving details, Sharma said: “After investigating into the matter, it has come to surface that Kashmiri student Mudasir Kamran and another student from Maharashtra namely Waseem were roommates and both were good friends.

“(But) gradually animosity developed between them and Waseem complained to Procter of the University P.S.Vijira who allegedly humiliated Mudasir in front of everyone.”

He added that frequent trifles would take place between the two.

“On January first, a show cause notice was issued by the Proctor against Mudasir after Waseem once again complained that he was harassing him,” he said.

Sharma added that police arrested both the students and the warden of the University was also called to the police station.

“He was not kept in lock up but we kept both the students including warden in a room and our men tried their best to reconcile them. We let both the students free when the Warden gave an undertaking that they will never fight again,” he said.

Police Commissioner Hyderabad said he feels that that Mudasir might have committed suicide due to the humiliation.


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