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Power Sector Nerve Line to Economic Independence: Omar

SRINAGAR: Describing power sector nerve line of economic independence, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah stressed on the need for carrying forward the progress on various projects on fast track to achieve the goal of generating 9,000 MWs of power in near future.

He was speaking while reviewing the progress on various power projects under implementation in the State at the 69th meeting of Board of Directors of Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation (JKSPDC) he chaired here.

Underlining power sector as the nerve line for economic growth and holistic welfare of the State, he stressed on the need for carrying forward the progress on various projects on fast track to achieve the goal of generating 9,000 MWs of power in near future, which he described essentially important for the financial independence of the State.

Describing power sector nerve line of economic independence, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah stressed on the need for carrying forward the progress on various projects on fast track to achieve the goal of generating 9,000 MWs of power in near future. He was speaking while reviewing the progress on various power projects under implementation in the State at the 69th meeting of Board of Directors of Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation (JKSPDC) he chaired here.

Underlining power sector as the nerve line for economic growth and holistic welfare of the State, he stressed on the need for carrying forward the progress on various projects on fast track to achieve the goal of generating 9,000 MWs of power in near future, which he described essentially important for the financial independence of the State.

The Chief Minister said Government has taken various initiatives to catapult power generation in the State and JKSPDC has an important role to help achieve the goals and move towards achieving self reliance in energy production. He said the projects taken in hand and those in the pipeline need to be monitored regularly to ensure their speedy completion.

“You should prepare a bar-chart for every project monitoring the physical and financial status on monthly basis, he asked the JKSPDC and reminded it of the stupendous task the Corporation has been entrusted to realize.

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