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Porn Clip of Pulwama Boy, Girl Doing the Rounds

SRINAGAR: A pornographic clip of a young boy and a girl is being circulated through mobile phones in Pulwama district of south Kashmir.

Both the youth are local residents, a local news agency, CNS, reports.

Kashmir is a Muslim-majority region, but beneath the veneer of a conservative approach things which are considered immoral by the standards of this society have increased drastically.

Residents of Pulwama have approached the police to take cognizance of the clip.

“These elements who propagate immorality in society should be exposed and booked,” a local resident said, adding that the police should at least stop youth from further circulating the clip.

Lamenting over the “degradation of society”, Islamic scholar, Maulana Ghulam Rasool Hami said technology should be used in the propagation of Islam and righteousness.

“But opposite to it is happening in our society,” he said.

When contacted, a top police official told CNS that they would look into the matter and apprehend the culprits.

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