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Pandits Inalienable Part of Kashmir: Kashmiri Separatist

“Pulwama incident doings of miscreants with a communal bent of mind.”

SRINAGAR: Terming Pandits as an “inalienable” part of the Kashmiri society, senior separatist leader, Mirwaiz Umer Farooq on Tuesday said the onus of providing protection to their life and property fell on the majority Muslim community.

In a statement, a spokesman of Hurriyat Conference headed by Mirwaiz said it strongly condemned the incident involving ‘bullying of Pandits’ in south Kashmir’s Pulwama town.

It said such acts were the doings of miscreants with a communal bent of mind.

“Like in the case of Kishtwar, the same elements were trying hard to tear apart the communal bonhomie of Kashmiris and push the society into chaos and violence,” the statement said.

The Hurriyat (M) has asked people to remain vigilant of “such divisive forces.”

The party has appealed to both Muslims and Pandits to defeat the communal thinking behind such “dastardly” acts.

Meanwhile, a delegation of separatist leaders of the Hurriyat, including Javiad Ahmad Mir and Hakim Abdul Rashid, were on their way to Pulwama to express solidarity with the Pandit community when the police stopped them.

The Hurriyat delegation strongly protested the police action.

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