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Kashmir’s Land Mafia ‘Out to Grab Prized Govt. Plots’

SRINAGAR: The land mafia, allegedly in connivance with local politicians, have grabbed a good measure of government land at various places in Kashmir capital Srinagar, a local news agency said on Monday.

The Current News Service reported that a “prized” piece of two kanals of land owned by the Srinagar Development Authority in Bohri Kadal area of downtown Srinagar has been allotted to political workers allegedly on the behest of a minister.

The agency, quoting witnesses, writes that another piece of land near Sangarmal Shopping Complex was grabbed by some people with the help of another prominent politician.

“Elections are approaching and such instances would occur now frequently. The latest instance is the occupation of chunk of SDA land near Sangarmal City on MA Link Road by land-mafia,” a shop owner of Sangarmal City said.

“A Minister is supporting the cause of such mafia and even authorities at the helm of affairs seem to be helpless.”

The agency quoted an anonymous trader as saying: “How is it possible that a group of ordinary drivers equip themselves with bulldozers and create havoc. The reason is obvious. Political leaders are encouraging such elements for their petty interests. It is a give and take. Today that leader helped them and tomorrow these hooligans would support him during elections.”

It says that similarly, with the help of another politician of the ruling party, 16 kanals of SDA land in erstwhile Doodh Ganga Nallah, Batamaloo have been occupied by land mafia.

“We are looking into the matter and action would be certainly initiated,” Vice Chairman, SDA, Mohammad Shafi Rather said.

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