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Kashmir’s ‘best’ teachers to be promoted out of turn

JAMMU: In an effort to improve the standard of teaching in government schools in Jammu and Kashmir, the state education department is contemplating to annually give ‘out of turn’ promotions to five best performing teachers and dismiss an equal number of those who have performed poorly.

“We are taking all measures to better teachers’ performance at government schools in Jammu and Kashmir. We are contemplating to award out of turn promotion to best teachers in J&K,” Deputy Chief Minister Tara Chand told the Press Trust of India.

“Five teachers with best performance in the state would be awarded with out-of-turn promotions and those who will figure at the bottom of the performance report card would be dismissed from service as dead-wood,” he added.

Chand, who took up the education portfolio after the January 15 cabinet reshuffle, said a draft on the same is being prepared at the state Education Ministry for the cabinet’s approval.

The minister said he was hopeful that the plan would be put in place by this year itself.

Similarly, ten teachers apart from those in top five would be granted out of turn increments as incentives while salary hike of teachers with poor performance will be withheld as punishment.

This initiative would give a boost to the performance of the government educational institutes and ensure faith of the people in the government schools, Chand said.


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