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Kashmiri Drivers Warn of Retaliation Against Buddhist ‘Attackers’

SRINAGAR: Kashmiri Muslim drivers operating in Ladakh region have warned of retaliation if the government failed to act against Buddhist drivers who allegedly thrashed them and damaged their vehicles on Wednesday.

They have further threatened to stop Ladakhi drivers from plying in the Kashmir valley.

“Kashmiris are being discriminated everywhere and their rights and voice are being muzzled through the barrel of gun and lathi. We fail to understand why Ladakh police did not take action against those goons who attacked and thrashed us in Ladakh (sic),” said a driver who was also beaten up.

“If the government fails to arrest the goons and compensate us we will teach every Ladakhi a lesson in Kashmir.”

“We are being forced to resort to violence even though we aim to earn our living by peaceful means,” the drivers added.

The drivers were allegedly attacked by Buddhist members of Ladakh Taxi Operators Cooperative Limited (LTOCL) in Leh market, a Buddhist town in Muslim-majority Jammu and Kashmir state.

None of the LTOCL drivers could be reached for comment.

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