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Kashmir protests against anti-Islam film, peacefully

Kainaat Mushtaq

SRINAGAR, Sept 14: Worshippers and lawyers in Muslim-Majority Kashmir took to streets on Friday to protest against a US made anti-Islam movie which shows Prophet Muhammad in poor light, a trailer of which has been uploaded on popular site Youtube.

Hundreds of worshippers in different parts of capital Srinagar marched on streets after Friday prayers shouting, “Down with America, down with to Israel.”

“Peaceful protests were also held at Sarai Balla, Abi Guzar, Jamia Masjid Anantnag, Shopian town, Jamia Masjid Pulwama, Baramulla Wakoora, Budgam, Beerwah, Charar-i- Sharief and Bandipora across Kashmir,” a police spokesperson said.

However, barring a few minor incidents of stone-pelting, there was no reported violence.

Students at the University of Kashmir also held a protest demonstration in their campus and chanted slogans against Israel and America. “Arab countries, cut off oil supply to the west,” read a banner carried by a student.

American flags were also burned outside shrines and mosques denouncing the movie.

Senior separatist leader and chairman of the hardliner Hurriyat Conference had asked people to protest peacefully after Friday prayers.

Also Read: US film on Islam: Kashmir dissents, peacefully.

Earlier dozens of lawyers suspended the work in courts and took out a protest demonstration in the city.

“We strongly condemn the desecrating act and would not remain silent over this,” said Zaffar Qureshi, the president of High Court Bar Association,Kashmir, while addressing the gathering.

“Prophet Mohammed is dearer to us than our lives and families.”

Authorities had deployed police and paramilitaries in large number in all major towns and old parts of the capital.

State government, fearing violent protests, has urged Ministry of Information Technology inNew Delhito block the video clips carrying blasphemous content.

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