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Kashmir Minister For Strict Adherence to Treasury Code

SRINAGAR: Underscoring the pivotal role and important responsibilities of Treasury Officers (TOs) in enforcing fiscal discipline and budget management, Jammu and Kashmir Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather today urged for strict adherence to Treasury Code to safeguard the state exchequer.

Speaking at the 12th review meeting on the working of Treasuries of Kashmir Division here, the Minister directed the officers not to exceed budget allocations in any case.

He said no payments should be made without drawl verification, which was necessary for enforcement of financial discipline and averting the chances of fraudulent drawls.

He also urged for maintaining budget control registers strictly at the treasuries.

He said violation of treasury code shall not be tolerated in any case and defaulters shall have to face strict disciplinary action.

Mr Rather also directed them not to render incomplete accounts to AG’s office as the incorrect and incomplete classification on the Bills affects the accuracy of the state finances.

He asked the officers to fully cooperate with the AG’s office so that Audit Paras are dropped even before the next visit of audit party to their respective Treasuries.

He instructed them not to entertain WDC bills for advance drawls unless certificate is recorded by the DDOs that Red DC Accounts in respect of the previous drawls have been submitted to the AG’s office.

He said accumulation on account of rendition of detailed Red Accounts to the AG’s office is very disturbing.

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