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Kashmir Lawyers Support Oct 27 Shutdown Call

SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar Association (HCBA) has extended full support to the shutdown call by separatist leaders on October 27.

“The Bar firmly believes that it was on this day (October 27) of 1947, that Indian Occupational Troops entered Kashmir forcibly and since then have not vacated…despite promises by Indian leaders both inside and outside the Parliament and also before the International Fora,” Mohammad Ashraf Bhat, general secretary of the HCBA said in a statement.

“Even if the instrument of accession, which otherwise is a doubtful document, is presumed to have been executed by Maharaja Hari Singh at Jammu on 26.10.1947, yet in terms of the decision of Govt. of India dated 27.10.1947, the issue of accession of State had to be settled by reference to the people.”

Mr Bhat said at a time when India is trying hard to become a Permanent member of Security Council and is persuading Russia, Germany and Japan to extend their support to its becoming such a member, “it is imperative for India first to implement the Security Council resolutions vis-a-viz Kashmir and give the right of self-determination to the people of Kashmir”.

“Otherwise it would be a mockery of U.N. Charter to allow India to become such a member without fulfilling its pledge and promise made to the people of Kashmir.”

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