JAMMU: Milk supply to the winter capital will resume tomorrow as the gujjars have called off their indefinite strike here.
”We have called off the strike and from tomorrow, milk to the shopkeepers will be supplied as per routine,” president of Jammu and Kashmir Dodhi Gujjar Association Jameel Choudhary said.
Mr Choudhary said they had a detailed meeting with the government representatives late this afternoon and they have agreed to concede their demands.
Gujjars yesterday went on indefinite strike against an alleged high handedness of the police and the harassment by the Jammu Municipal Corporation.
They were demanding hiking the rates of milk and release of seven members of the community, who were arrested on October 5 by the police for thrashing the JMC officials testing the quality of the milk.
People here were forced to purchase packets of milk from general stores to meet their daily needs.