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‘Cricket Fans’ Frenzy’ Kills Electricity Repairman in Kashmir

SRINAGAR: An employee of the state Power Development Department was electrocuted to death on Sunday after electricity to power wires that he was repairing was restored allegedly by cricket lovers.

The incident led to protests in the south Kashmir village.

Locals told a news agency KNS that Ghulam Ahmed Sofi was repairing high tension wires in Krewan Wanpoh area when some youth who wanted to watch a live cricket match reconnected the wires to an electric transformer nearby in the area.

Sofi, a father of three, worked with the PDD on a daily-wage basis for the last 13 years.

Executive Engineer of PDD, Sheikh Muneeb told KNS that Sofi had been directed to repair the faulty wires by his officers.

“A live cricket match was being telecast on TV. So some cricket fans (locals) turned on the power supply. We’ve registered a First Information Report in Police Station Yaripora and Police is ascertaining the facts,” he said.

He appealed people not to commit such acts which could cost life and property.

Protests erupted in the area after the incident with residents demanding punishment for those involved. The Deputy Commissioner of district head of Kulgam and police officials rushed to the area and assured the protestors of a thorough probe.

Meanwhile spokesman of the PDD daily wagers Association, Farooq amad Matoo, expressed grief over the incident and demanded ex-gratia relief and a job to one of the deceased employee’s family members.

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