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Afzal Guru Quotes Gandhiji in His Book to Justify Kashmir Violence

Ishfaq Tantry

SRINAGAR: Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru’s book ‘Last Message’, which was released here on September 17, offers a peep into his mind, in which he has supported the Taliban movement in Afghanistan, praised Mullah Omar and quoted Mahatma Gandhi to justify violence in Kashmir.

The 94-page book, is originally a compilation of Afzal’s writings which he completed in Tihar Jail on December 20, 2012, before his execution by the authorities on February 9, 2013, says Mohammad Shafi Khan Shariati, who also wrote a controversial biography of separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani.

Shariati, who is currently in jail, claims that he received the manuscript from Afzal on January 14, 2013, for compilation and proof-reading.

“Even in this period ‘Taloot’ (Saul) and ‘Jaloot’ (Goliath) are manifesting themselves in the form of Taliban in Afghanistan and America and its supporter NATO,” Afzal Guru writes in his book, trying to draw an analogy between various Islamic movements and Koranic instructions.

“That how Taliban (Saul) is fighting America (Goliath) in Afghanistan, which calls itself a superpower….By this way, Islam will always prove itself in every period and every time,” he continues.

He further argues that how “materialism” and “consumerism” has eroded human values and relations and blames American imperialism for death and destruction around the world. He further says how the nature has put the Taliban, a weak organisation, before a developed and powerful America.

“In this period, the Taliban, which is headed by Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Omar, is acting like a candle in darkness,” he writes in the book while praising the Taliban and its leaders.

Justifying “violence” and “jihad” in Kashmir, Afzal in his book quotes several verses from the Koran and also quotes Mahatma Gandhi, saying, “for great causes, great sacrifices are mandatory.”

“When need arises, not only men but also women will have to resort to violence and meet the force with force…when there is only one choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence,” Afzal quotes Gandhiji as having said in his book, Harijan, while referring to a book by Fatima Mansoor, titled ‘The Young India in the Process of Independence.’

He has also criticised Kashmiri leaders who have been advocating a “non-violent” mode of agitation, saying, “these people should first study history…. and come out of their romantic world into the real world”.

“This kind of talk (non-violence) is just self deception… It amounts to treason with the sacred blood of martyrs,” Afzal wrote in the book.

While supporting militancy in Kashmir, Afzal has also endorsed the cult of suicide bombing by praising Afaq Shah, the first suicide bomber in Kashmir, who blew himself up with an explosives-laden vehicle at the Army’s Badamibagh Headquarters in Srinagar in April 2000.

Afzal has also criticised National Conference founder Sheikh Abdullah, adding, “Kashmiris are cursing him for his “betrayal.”


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