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Shout Anti-India Slogans to Drown Zubin Mehta’s Concert, Asiya Tells Shalimar Residents

SRINAGAR: Prominent woman separatist leader in Kashmir has urged residents living in the vicinity of Shalimar garden to raise anti-India slogans through loudspeakers to drown the musical concert by Zubin Mehta’s on Saturday.

This, according to her, will make aware the ambassadors of European Union nations attending the show about the “real aspirations” of the Kashmiri people.

Andrabi, who heads the Dukhtaran-e-Millat (Daughters of the Nation) separatist group, said maestro Zubin Mehta is one of “Zionists who is in the good books of Israel.”

“Wherever he (Zubin Mehta) performed in Palestine, people protested there and vehemently demanded his departure from the area. We all should know that Zubin Mehta is the Director of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and Israel is the country responsible for the killing of innocent Muslims,” she said at a press conference on Thursday.

“Zubin Mehta is the beloved of Israel and the biggest thing is that he is pursuing the ideology of Isreal. He is arriving here with a purpose and this musical concert is not politically viable for Kashmir.”

Ms Andrabi said “Even Islam does not support these types of concerts”, but said she supported “Haqeeqat e Kashmir” (reality of Kashmir) – a parallel and counter concert organized by the Civil Society of Kashmir – though.

Ms Andrabi has also supported the strike call given by senior separatist, Syed Ali Geelani against Zubin Mehta’s musical concert.

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