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Infant Deaths: Inquiry Clears Former MS of GB Pant Hospital

SRINAGAR: A year after public outcry against the high infant mortality rate in Kashmir’s only paediatric hospital, the inquiry officer appointed by the state government has given a clean chit to the then Medical Superintendent, who was charged with dereliction of duty.

There is nothing that lends credence to the charge of lack of supervision, dereliction of duties, negligence and lack of devotion on the part of Dr Javed Ahmad Chaudhary, the then Medical Superintendent,” the inquiry officer, Bipul Pathak, IAS, observed in his report submitted to the government last month.

The report listed several initiatives undertaken by Chaudhary during his four-month stint saying it showed that he had made sincere efforts to improve the patient care and functioning of the hospital.

“This clearly indicates his (Chaudhary’s) sincerity towards improving the conditions of the hospital during the short tenure of four months as medical superintendent of the Hospital,” Pathak said.

Chaudhary, who was appointed as Medical Superintendent of G B Pant Children’s Hospital in January last year, was attached to Government Medical College Srinagar on May 17, 2012 following media reports and public outcry against “high infant mortality rate” at the hospital.

The inquiry report highlights that the infant mortality rate had, in fact, dropped from 14.49 per cent in January 2012 to 10.72 per cent in April 2012.

Although the death rate had increased to 16 per cent in February last year, Pathak observed that “it is clear that the mortality rate has shown a downward trend in the month of April. It does partially reflect that Medical Superintendent started exercising better supervisory role”.

According to a report filed by present Medical Superintendent Dr Muneer Masoodi before the High Court last month, the overall death rate the G B Pant Hospital has risen to 5.4 per cent this year compared to just 3.85 per cent during Dr Chaudhary’s tenure.

The inquiry officer also dismissed the allegation that the Medical Superintendent had not maintained proper record of deaths which took place at the hospital.

‘Inquiry Against Dr Kaiser’

Pathak, in his report, has recommended inquiry against two senior doctors including then Principal of Government Medical College Srinagar, the parent organisation of the hospital.

“Once such example is that of Dr Kaiser Ahmad who was appointed as examiner in the exams where his niece was also appearing, against the statute of the university. In spite of Dr Chuadhary bringing this matter to the notice of the Principal, the Principal allowed him (Dr Kaiser) to conduct the exams,” the reported noted.

According to rules, Dr Kaiser should have recused himself. The Principal should have removed the concerned faculty member from the examination when the matter was brought to his notice, it said.

“This is a very serious charge against Dr Kaiser Ahmad. It is recommended that a full fledged inquiry into this incident be conducted by the Administrative Department to bring out the truth about the role of Dr Kaiser Ahmad and Principal GMC and then take action if deemed fit,” Pathak said in his recommendations.

(PTI, edited)

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