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The Letter Has Reached, Finally

Toufiq Rashid

SRINAGAR: Cries of mourning broke out again in the Guru household this morning when a postman delivered a letter from Jail Superintendent, Tihar Jail informing about Afzal Guru’s execution on February 9, 2013.

The letter had left Delhi just a day before Afzal was hanged.

According to the family the letter addressed to Tabasum, Afzal Guru’s wife, states that her mercy plea has been rejected and the execution will happen on Saturday morning.

The government had claimed that Guru’s family was informed about the execution and that a letter had reached them.

“We got the letter early morning today. Though we refused to accept it initially some of our relatives prevailed on us to see the contents,” said Aijaz Guru, Afzals elder brother.

“What is the need of getting the letter delivered when the execution has happened three days back.”

The postman delivered the letter inspite of strict curfew and cordoning of the area around Guru’s house.

The house for last two days has been out of bounds for even close neighbours.

“The postmen said that they had to park their car at a distance from our house but were allowed to walk from there,” he said.

“Though government has been claiming that the letter was send on February 6, the postal stamp from Delhi has February 8 written on it,” he said.

The family said that letter getting delivered now was a `crude joke’.

“Its like rubbing salt into our wounds,” the elder Guru said.

The family meanwhile is waiting for a positive response from the government over its request to seek Guru’s body and belongings.

(c) Hindustan Times

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